We've been working our way through the daily grind of visiting "So Cal" as the locals like to call it. It's amazing how these days seem to fly by, and we are only able to get a few things accomplished. Of course there's the "almost" daily trip north to visit with Ben before he's off to work down at the border at San Ysidro, although I think Debbie looks forward to her visit with her "PGD" (Precious Grand Dog). Jamo seems to get quite a kick out of seeing Grammy coming through the door, although the other day we arrived while Ben was in getting ready for work.

Jamo wasn't sure if he was supposed to play with Grammy or guard the hallway leading down to Ben. He was certainly relieved to see Ben emerge from the bedroom. Now he could devote all his attention to Grammy! Although he seems to really enjoy chewing on his bone. He has lots of item to chew on, and he'll go get them all if you want him to. Anything to keep you interested....he's always interested! Joanne is working too many hours at her job, so we don't get the chance to visit with her as much as we'd like. We tend to catch up on her days off.
We've been staying up in Lakeside at the Los Coches RV Park, which is a very nice park. It's nice and quiet, seems to be very clean, but it is more like a trailer park than an RV Resort. People have discovered that it's cheaper to purchase a fancy fifth-wheel or camper and pay the monthly camping rate and stay at the numerous parks located throughout San Diego County, than to purchase or pay rent on a house. Can't blame them for that. Seems like an average home out here runs in the $400K range. I don't know how they do it. We've had some great neighbors, and we've had just neighbors. Some are interested in meeting, sharing a cocktail in the evening, and just plain visiting. Some could care less. Of course many are commuting to and from work out of their campers.
I was able to chase down an old co-worker from the California Highway Patrol. He still lives out in Boulevard, and his son is now the Deputy Patrol Agent in Charge at the Pine Valley BP Station. When Bob and I were working, we "owned" I-8 out to the east, and we had quite a time chasing bad guys out there. Of course, back then we didn't have the fancy radios in our cars that allowed us to talk with each other. We had scanners in our patrol cars, and Bob and I could talk to each other by scanning the other guy's frequency. I think we would completely baffled each agency's dispatchers since they would only hear one side of the conversation. But it worked for us and that was the important part.
San Diego County certainly has made great progress in their transportation system since we were last out here. The have completed a trolley system which services a large part of the county down through the city of San Diego. Debbie and I were able to pick up the trolley in Santee and for $5 we were able to get on and off at numerous stops as we worked our way into San Diego. We made stops at Old Town and had a nice lunch at on of the many Mexican restaurants located there.
Old Town represents the beginning of San Diego with many exhibits of the original homes, churches, and businesses dating back to 1542 when Explorer Juan Rodriguez Cabrillo discovered the area. Over the years, the Spanish and the Russians made claim to the land, and finally in 1846, a Navy Lieutenant and marine raised the first american flag in Old Town's plaza.
After Old Town, we climbed back on the Trolley and headed down to Seaport Village and the Gas Lamp section of San Diego. As we headed back to Santee, we looked out on I-5 and I-8 at the bumper to bumper, stalled traffic, and wondered why more people weren't using the train. Especially while gas prices are shooting up out here and may be pushing $5/gal soon.
Over the weekend we reached out to Cousin Andrea up in Temecula. We made arrangements to visit on Saturday after Ben went to work. We told her not to pull an Aunt Anita and have a big lunch for us, but she ignored us and had 2 great quiches and salads waiting for us when we got there. After a delicious lunch we went for a walk around the neighborhood and over to the lake. She lives with husband Paul and son Ethan on a street that reminds you of Cherry Tree lane in Mary Poppins. Neat little homes with front porches overlooking a small lake. Debbie commented that she would give anything to live on a street like that.

Andrea gathered up some frozen bread, and we headed over to the lake to get some exercise and feed the ducks. Ethan and Debbie seemed to have a great time as Andrea and I sat and watched. Ethan is definitely into the game of soccer and has promised to send me tickets when he's a famous soccer player. We'll have to wait and see. Everyone seems to be doing fine in Temecula and it was very nice getting the opportunity to visit. Andrea and Paul were great hosts and Ethan kept Debbie busy over at the pond. It was a very nice visit.
Yesterday we moved down to the
Chula Vista RV Resort. It's located on San Diego Bay next to the Chula Vista Marina. The flowers are in bloom down here, and the palm trees are swaying in the breeze coming off of the bay. The "snowbirds" appear to have gone home and it's nice and quiet here.
There's a great pool area, and a walking path all around the bay. Debbie and I went for a nice walk around the bay to check things out. The Marina has a restaurant which gets great reviews, and I'm sure we'll check it out while MAE is visiting. She arrives in about an hour and a half, and Mrs Doody is pretty excited!
That just about catches me up. I'm sure I've forgotten a few things but I'll get them into the next visit. Hopefully the weather stays nice and MAE gets the cold out of her bones before she heads back.