MaryAnne was able to get time off and joined us for Christmas. Debbie had Big Red all decorated, and lots of cookies and chex mix prepared for MAE's arrival. And of course her flight was just a tad late departing Albany, which made the connection in Chicago a little tight. But MaryAnne and her baggage made the connection and she arrived right on Schedule in SD. Unfortunately, she brought some nasty weather with her, and it lasted pretty much her entire visit.
Fortunately, Santa was able to find us, and Christmas morning we awoke to find the front dashboard of Big Red bulging with Christmas presents. We mixed up a batch of mimosa's and set straight to work, and before long, we'd worked our way down to the last one. Seems that Debbie and Tony had conspired in getting MAE's gift out to CA, and I think she was more than surprised at seeing it. Tony was getting a little nervous with the USPS, but everything worked out just fine. It's quite amazing that Debbie was able to keep a secret!!
As we moved into January, we were able to spend lots of time with Jamo and Liam, and it was exciting to watch him get more and more comfortable with us. Each day there were changes in his personality, and we were extremely fortunate to be able to experience this time with Ben and Joanne.
You could see the devil in his eye on occassion, and everyone wondered just what was going through his mind. Liam and Ben seemed to get along quite well, and though he wasn't speaking, he certainly seemed to understand what was being said to him. Liam has quite an appetite, and seems to eat just about anything you put in front of him.....except for brussel sprouts! But you can't blame him for that.
He loves to scare us half to death with his eating habits.....stuffing food into his mouth. Ben just continues on, as Debbie and I get ready for a Heimlich maneuver on the kid. You wouldn't think stuff like that would bother grandparents, but we were nervous wrecks!
He jumps right up and helps Ben with the cleaning, when it's getting time for mommy to come home too.
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