As Debbie was gathering tourist brochures at Otter Peak Lodge, she was directed to a brochure of the The National D-Day Memorial, located in the tiny town of Bedford, Va. We had never heard of this memorial, and wondered why a memorial to such an important historic event was not located in Washington DC. This memorial pays tribute to the generation of soldiers, sailors and airmen involved in largest amphibious assault of the French coastline, in order to start repelling Germany from Western Europe. After walking around the grounds, we decided to take the free guided tour, which proved to be very informative and inspiring.
You are about to embark on the great crusade toward which we have striven these many months. The eyes of the world are upon you… I have full confidence in your courage, devotion to duty and skill in battle. – Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower
These were the words spoken to a group of paratroopers by Gen. Eisenhower, hours before they climbed aboard the aircraft that would take them to France, leading the D-Day invasion force onto the beaches of Normandy in "Operation Overlord." The name was chosen by Winston Churchill, and is featured prominently over the archway designed to symbolize the allied victory and the resulting freedom for Europe from Nazi Germany.
One additional anecdote provided by the guide: The town of Bedford did not learn of the deaths until July 1941. When the telegraph operator, a 21 year old female, turned on her telegraph one morning, she received 14 separate telegraphs notifying parents, wives, brothers and sisters, of the deaths of these boys. The odds were very good that she personally knew each and every one of them.
The Memorial is designed to represent the entire story and the massive effect the operation had throughout the world. Every country involved in the invasion is recognized. The beach invasion is vividly represented with a soldier in the water, and others on the beach. A statue of 4 soldiers climbing the cliffs at Normandy represents the entire invasion of allied forces into France and Europe.
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