Debbie had returned last night after a whirlwind flight up and back to NY. Gage was being welcomed into the Catholic Church, and Debbie wasn't going to miss it. Everyone is pretty proud of him....except Superman.....but we're gonna work on that this summer!! I have given up flying, and opted to stay home. Just can't seem to pull the trigger on climbing onto one of those things. Gage passed all the tests with flying colors and MaryAnne got a Reeses peanut butter ice cream cake to top off the celebration. I had been left with the job of getting Big Red ready to move, and we had an uneventful departure right on schedule.
Florida seems to have completed most of the construction on I-75, and we cruised northbound before hitting our first tie up near Tampa. After that it was pretty clear sailing, and we headed for our first stop along I-10 at the Twin Lakes Camp Resort in Defuniak Springs, Fl. Eight hours and a little over 400 miles later, and we found ourselves still in Florida on our first night out.

We were up bright and early for Day 2, as we were kinda under the gun to get to California before the arrival of grand baby #2! Total trip was going to be a little over 2400 miles, but Grammie was convinced we weren't going to make it. I did a thorough check of the astrological charts, ascertained that we weren't facing the arrival of a full moon, and was pretty confident that the arrival of grand baby #2 was not imminent! None the less, each day my navigator pushed the envelope, and managed to talk me into 400+ miles each day! With little fanfare we pushed through Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, and into Louisiana before stopping on Day 2!
No matter what, we knew that Day 3,4 & 5 were going to be in Texas, so the navigator went to work finding a route around the major Texas cities we were aiming for as we traversed the state on I-10.
It was a complete surprise as we topped the hill to a display of blue with field after field full of Texas Blue Bonnets, the official flower of Texas. We thought we were just a tad too early for them, but today was our lucky day. We found a safe place to pull over, and exited Big Red into a cool crisp Texas afternoon.
It's hard to describe just how striking the fields of Blue Bonnets were, and you'll just have to go to Texas and experience it yourselves. Debbie even jumped in and helped some other "tourists" memorialize their visit.
Then, after an overnight outside of Austin, our next stop was near Fredericksburg, Tx , home of the Lyndon B Johnson National Historic Park. This was out 2nd pass through this are of Texas, and we haven't been able to get over there for a visit.
Next of our agenda was a lunch date with Randy and Retha. Time just wasn't going to allow an overnight visit to San Angelo, but since we were passing just a little to the south on I-10, Debbie phoned up Retha and made plans for a rendezvous in Sonora for lunch. Amazingly we arrived within a few minutes of each other and had a wonderful lunch. It's always a great treat to meet up with them whenever our paths get close to each other. After a quick lunch, it was back to I-10 to continue our journey westbound.
The remainder of the journey was uneventful until we crossed into CA and Debbie started receiving weather alerts for high winds in the Jacumba area. Seems like every time we pass through here, we're faced with having to decide on whether to chance a desert and mountain crossing in high winds, or to just wait a day for the weather to clear. As always we slowed our pace, and parked early in Yuma, deciding to wait it out. If you've ever experienced these winds and seen the destruction these winds can produce, you'll understand why we always err on the side of caution. We enjoyed a very hot afternoon in the campsite pool, and returned to Big Red just before the winds converged on our site completely obliterating the sun with the dirt and dust from the surrounding desert. Looks like we made the correct decision.
On April 8, we pulled into Santee Lakes, a day ahead of schedule, and still no sign of any granddaughter. Patting ourselves on the back, we set up camp, and headed over to see Liam, Jamo, and oh yea......Ben and Joanne!
Of course we had to start the birthday celebrations, and it was hard to see who was more excited when the ice cream cake came out. Just who's 63rd birthday were we celebrating?? Ben and Joanne had a very nice dinner planned, and it was hilarious to see Liam and Jamo jockeying for position near the cutting board as dad carved up a nice, juicy tri-tip.
Trust me, Jamo is parked in betweem the two of them, waiting for his handout also.
So now we're on baby watch. And then we'll be on house selling watch. And then moving watch! Not too much going on right now. Stay safe everyone and we'll let you know how this turns out.
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